Remember to eat Crêpes on Fête de la Chandeleur - February 2nd

3 heaped* tablespoons of flour
2 heaped tablespoons of sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of oil
1 cup of milk 

Makes four Crêpes

Mix flour, sugar and egg until you get a uniform batter with few lumps. Then add oil and milk stop mixing when thin and smooth. For best results let the batter sit in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Heat a frying pan and lightly oil it. Pour batter on to frying pan, tilting and rotating to get an even thin Crêpe, about the thickness of a tortilla.

Cook on medium heat until light brown and then turn. Cook for another minute or two and you’re all done! Put on any topping you like, French favorites include jam, sugar or Nutella.

This recipe is for sweet Crêpes, for non sweet Crêpes follow as above but don’t add any sugar. 

* As much as can be held in the spoon.


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